Tackling the Back to School Blues is easier than you think. Mitigate stress, overwhelm and anxiety by addressing the following…

Managing Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm

August 13, 2024

3 Surefire Approaches to Tackle the Back-to-School Blues

My inspiration for writing this blog post comes from the current time of year in the academic calendar – the end of the school year. The high school seniors in my coaching practice are in that space between…celebrating their accomplishments and looking forward to what’s next, while also sitting in nostalgia as they mourn the […]

Cultivating Teen Happiness

May 21, 2024

The Last Dance: How to Help Your Teenager Say Goodbye

In a world that often emphasizes the importance of self-esteem, a growing body of research suggests that self-compassion may be the key to unlocking a healthier, more resilient mindset…especially for teenagers navigating the challenges of adolescence. For most of my years as a counselor in the education setting, I focused on developing self-esteem in tween […]

Cultivating Teen Happiness

January 31, 2024

Self-Compassion: The New Paradigm in Teen Well-being

Behind feelings of stress, overwhelm and ‘not-enoughness’ there is often a mean teen – this is your teenager’s critical inner voice. And from this voice come critical words and harsh judgements. This is the voice of Self Criticism. What exactly is Self Criticism? Self criticism is that voice inside that speaks to you critically. It […]

Managing Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm

January 28, 2024

How to Turn Your Teen’s Self-Criticism into Self-Compassion

All too often teenagers tell me they just CAN’T talk to their parents. And when it comes to communication, one of the most important messages to my teen clients is just how critical it is to maintain communication with their parents. This can be a touchy topic. Developmentally, teens are in the phase of life […]

Cultivating Teen Happiness

January 24, 2024

The Art of Listening…to Your Teenager

Your teen is simply overloaded and has taken on too much to balance. And they are not willing to give anything up. What now?  How do we support our teens to help them loosen the grip? It’s quite a tight ‘death-grip’ they have on all of their challenging classes, extracurriculars, commitments and to-do’s. They are […]

Managing Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm

January 14, 2024

How to support your overwhelmed teen when they simply have too much on their plate

What your teenager needs is a dose of their own ‘unique medicine’. And yes, it works like a charm… As we begin to nestle into the season of all things comfy, cozy and warm…Let us not forget that this season can be full of big feelings of stress, overwhelm, social commitments and the hustle and […]

Managing Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm

December 18, 2023

How to keep the peace in your household ~ during the most stressful seasons of your teenager’s life